PlanetSide 2 is a free to play massive first person shooter online game that has been recieving a lot of buzz lately. It does not require PlayStation Plus in order to be played. This isn’t your average FPS, in fact, instead of having a strong focus on solo missions, this game is all about team work. You will rarely find yourself in a 1v1 situation.
Check out the trailer from the 2014’s E3:
An addition that will set the PS4 version from the PC version is the exclusive battle map of Kotyr. There will be more additions that we’ll have to wait for June 23rd to experience.
Oh and here’s a fun fact: PlanetSide 2 recieved a Guinness World Record for Most Players Online in a Single FPS Battle by having 1,158 players online fighting, side by side. Now that’s pretty rad, if you ask me!
So there you have it! To all you console gamers out there, I hope you are prepared for this revolutionary version of a FPS. The planet of Auraxis awaits you.