As per sources, both Piramal and Zurich will hold 50% each in the proposed joint endeavor organization.

On the off chance that this proposed JV prevails with regards to arising as the effective goal candidate for RGIC, then, at that point, it will mark the section of Zurich Protection in India’s overall protection business.

In the free offers submitted toward the finish of August, Piramal had esteemed Dependence Capital’s overall protection business at Rs 3,600 crore, while Zurich had cited Rs 3,700 crore for the equivalent. The third bidder, Coming had presented a Rs 7,000 crore goal plan for RGIC.

By banding together, Zurich and Piramal won’t rival one another, and hence for RGIC, it might be a two horse race among Coming and Zurich-Piramal consortium.

The RCAP Executive and Panel of Banks (COC) had selected a worldwide master – Pinnacle Watson, to do the genuine valuation of RGIC. This valuation is accessible to every one of the bidders and the actuarial valuation for 100% of RGIC is Rs 9,450 crore.

The last date for the accommodation of restricting offers for Dependence Capital and its various auxiliaries is October 30. Prior, it was September 29, however the COC conceded a multi week expansion, as most of bidders had looked for additional opportunity to finish the reasonable level of effort process.

Dependence Capital had gotten 14 non-restricting offers for its various organizations. Six organizations had submitted offers for the whole organization, while the other bidders had submitted offers for its numerous auxiliaries.