This even better news if you’re a fan of internet gaming sensation PewDiePie and are getting sick of watching ads before all of his videos. The gamer-turned-multimillionaire has landed himself a video game inspired reality show, exclusive to YouTube Red and called Scare PewDiePie.
If you’re a fan of the Pewds, you probably already know that his reactions to some of the horror games on his channel are priceless, so a reality show encouraging it? Makes tons of sense! Scare PewDiePie is set to be one of the 10 YouTube Original shows launching in 2016, when YouTube Red expands its service into shows and movies.
It’ll be produced by the YouTube network Maker Studios as well as Skybound Entertainment, the producers for The Walking Dead. The show will simulate real-life situations inspired by PewDiePie’s favorite video games in order to… well, scare PewDiePie. And just like his Let’s Play videos, his reactions are going to be 100% authentic and pure gold.
You can check out the trailer for the series below!